Don’t look down, managing driver fatigue

Hydrate – the key to managing driver fatigue

Hydrate The air-conditioning dehydrates the air, which is why it is so good at demisting the windows on humid days, as a by-product, it also dehydrates you. So keep drinking… Continue reading Hydrate – the key to managing driver fatigue

You are what you eat. Managing driver fatigue

Move Your body tips for reducing driver fatigue

Move your body active. Remember all the issues from deep vein thrombosis, well the same can happen when you are driving for extended periods. Movement causes the blood to be… Continue reading Move Your body tips for reducing driver fatigue

Drivers vision- stall the speed and buy time

How you sit and use the controls can reduce driver fatigue by over 30%

Graduates of Total Driver have a 400% reduction in accidents over the first 3 years of obtaining their license, in comparison to the national average*.

The question we ask all supervisors:

“Will you bet your child’s life you have the skills to teach the art of driving?”