As if business was not hard enough, the last two years has pushed us all into limits unknown and previously thought impossible. 

We always put others first, wife, kids, family, employees, customers, invariably we are always at the bottom of the food chain, by our own choices. 

Escape the Virus 4WD adventure puts you at the top of the food chain again!. The program is designed to escape the pressures of day to day existence and bring us all back to basics, fishing, camping, adventuring and finding our feet again. 

Each night is campfire night, where we can talk out our challenges and work as teams to find solutions.

Moreton Island Mens Health week escape

Each day is adventure and team building activities, touring and adventures, I promise, there is no bitumen in sight!

We get to make new friends, to bond and most importantly to come back renewed, invigorated and ready for the challenges that we accept as men every day

Our point of difference is our approach – Been there, done that.  Stoic, Australian, and Proud.

The focus of the program is a series of events and activities that lead you through a journey. It is all about purpose, but learning to and applying new leadership skills to the the challenges we face daily, so we conquer with purpose!

This is why we call it Bootcamp – for the Urban Warrior.

1 day or 7, This week is about and for you

One of the greatest challenges of being in business, is we all feel that we “do it on our own” Yet nothing could be further from the truth. We are all mates, and together we can conquer any challenge. 

This is why we have designed specific quests into our Escape the Virus program, to work as teams, learn to communicate again, sweat and enjoy a beer afterwards. Get frustrated, but have a great laugh afterwards. 

What you will get in outcomes


ü  Direction-  together will will stop going around in circles

ü  Integration. – reconnect with mates, partners, communicate

ü  Purpose – It is more than work, it is our passion

ü  Self confidence – we are not the only ones going through this

All this equals = Recharged and supercharged. 

Graduates of Total Driver have a 400% reduction in accidents over the first 3 years of obtaining their license, in comparison to the national average*.

The question we ask all supervisors:

“Will you bet your child’s life you have the skills to teach the art of driving?”